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Korean Times Interview

Korean Times Interview

Korean Times visited school

Korean culture has been a very popular trend in this region, like K-pop songs, drama series, kimchi, barbecue, fashion and of course, Korean language. To allow more students to be further exposed to Korean culture, the Korean language curriculum has been successfully implemented in F.1 and F.2 in recent years.

On 5 October, the journalists from the Korean Times visited school and observed a Korean lesson in which a F.1 class learnt the vowels and vocabulary items of Korean. After class, some F.2 students attended an interview arranged by the press. They could freely express their opinions on Korean culture, history and custom. What’s more, they shared with the journalists that the Korean food, songs and drama series are their favourite, contributing to their study of Korean language.

To further enhance students’ interests in learning Korean, principal suggested keeping arranging cultural exchange tours to Korea and if possible, more funding from the government can be allocated to various events allowing students to experience foreign culture in the near future.

Third Language Team – Mu Kuang English School

陸運會 2022

陸運會 2022

本校陸運會已於九月十九日假九龍灣運動場舉行。目的為提高學生對田徑運動的興趣和認識、發揮體育精神、增強團體榮譽感與歸屬感,豐富課餘生活。當日在開幕式後,各項比賽隨即展開。分級分班於看台觀賞比賽,同學落力為運動健兒打氣,,非常熱鬧。今年陸運會因天氣問題稍有延遲,盡管如此也無礙學生參與比賽的熱情及表現,賽事分為高級組以及初級組,半天內共有進行35個項目。另除了最後有緊張刺激的班際4×100米接力比賽,今年更舉辦了「運動競技比賽」, 邀請了嘉賓參與比賽, 為當日增添熱鬧氣氛。最後在頒獎後,陸運會亦圓滿結束 。

陸運會精華相片 (一)

陸運會精華相片 (二)


Mu Kuang English School

Aristle Kindergarten

Aristle Kindergarten

On 3 October, the school supervisor of Aristle International Kindergarten

Ms Vivian Wu, and nearly 60 students and parents from her school paid a visit to Mu Kuang English School. The event started with the welcoming speech by Principal Ho, the brief introduction of recent school development as well as the curriculum of school-based STEM Innovative Technology curriculum that inspire most participants. During the process, both parents and students were greatly amazed by the wide variety of reptiles and animals at Amazon STEM Centre, where they could have a deeper understanding of the living habits and special features of the animals. Another excitement that participants could have is experiencing the techniques of operating a plane in Aerospace. All kids from the school are eager to learn and curious about the new explorer in the visit. Special thanks to all the teachers involved and the student ambassadors. The activity was a great success with laughter and fun.

External Affairs Department  – Mu Kuang English School



第二十七屆家長教師會執行委員會選舉,於2022年9月23日已圓滿結束。謹此感謝各位家長和老師踴躍投票,使選舉順利進行,並恭賀 :



Mu Kuang English School

2022-23 年度頒獎禮

2022-23 年度頒獎禮


Mu Kuang English School



2022-23年度的開學禮已於九月一日順利舉行。同學們都精神奕奕地迎接新學年的開始,而中一學生更換上以灰白色為主的新校服,充滿朝氣,為新學年帶來好開始。在典禮上,主禮嘉賓方玉輝醫生勉勵同學只需與昨天的我去比較,做一個更快、更強的自己。縱然有成有敗,但當中的經驗都是無價的。而何世昌校長以 “Attitude”、“Belief” 、“Curiosity  來勉勵同學建立正確的價值觀及求學態度,之後更介紹學校的新老師。開學禮就在一片和樂的氣氛中進行。

Mu Kuang English School